Abstract Submission

Please read the instructions provided here carfully.



please submit a single-page pdf generated from the template.


The call for abstract will open on 20th of December 2017.
The extended deadline for abstract submission is the 15th of February 2018.

Abstract Submission for PSAS'2018 will be handled through an indico page hosted by CERN:

PSAS2018 Indico website

For the Registration a CERN account is required. In case you do not have a CERN account you can open a:


The abstract shall be submitted as a single-page pdf file generated from templates (latex preferred; alternatively from word). There are no restrictions on the usage of figures, tables, equations, author lists, affiliations, and/or references as long as the one-page limit can be met.

Note, that a "content field" is mandatory in the abstract submission process of indico. Please either provide a generic text ("for abstract see attached pdf-file" or simiar) or feel free to copy the text part of your abstract into the content field.


Please don't forget to upload your single-page abstract as pdf-file as an attachment during the submission process.


Further guidelines are given within the templates:

Templates (.tex and .docx) are available for download here